Jewelry Care
Clean your jewelry by wiping it with a lint-free cloth or with warm water, mild soap and a soft toothbrush. Have your diamond jewelry periodically cleaned and its setting examined by a professional jeweler to maintain its beauty and integrity over time.
While the instructions above will keep your jewelry sparkling, there are a few things to be aware of when caring for jewelry:
- Diamonds are remarkably durable, resist scratching (except by other diamonds) and maintain their brilliance over time. But diamonds aren’t indestructible. They can be chipped by a sharp blow, become loose or lost in a weakened setting, or be damaged by contact with other diamonds.
- Not all gemstones are as hard as diamonds, and some can easily be scratched with a toothbrush. Be sure to check the best method for cleaning your particular gemstone.
- When storing you jewelry inside a jewelry box make sure they’re not tangled and are carefully wrapped inside a cloth to avoid scratching each other.
- Fragile settings and older estate jewelry may not respond well to the scrubbing of a toothbrush, so use a soft touch.
- If you haven’t had your ring setting inspected, be aware that diamonds can go loose from their settings if the settings aren’t secure.
- You’ll want to find a safe place to clean your diamond. If it can be avoided, do not clean your jewelry in or near the sink. If a sink is the only option for cleaning your jewelry, be sure to cover the sink drain so that you can protect your jewelry from going down the drain. Also, use a rubber sink mat when possible to prevent jewelry from breaking or chipping if dropped.
- Finally, avoid harmful solutions. Chlorine (as in household bleach) or abrasives (such as household cleansers or toothpaste) should never be used when cleaning diamonds, especially those set in jewelry. These types of products can erode some of the metals often used in diamond settings, and they may loosen prongs or even dissolve the metal completely.
- Put Jewelry On After Applying Makeup – Cosmetics, hairspray, perfumes and lotion can contain chemicals that can often damage jewelry. Putting jewelry on after applying these materials will limit exposure to jewelry and any potential damage.
- Don’t Wear Jewelry In Swimming Pools and Spas – Chlorinated water can react with the metals found in jewelry causing color changes and even structural damage. As a result it’s a good idea to remove jewelry before entering the pool or spa.
- Keeping your diamond clean is a good step in protecting your diamond. While a home method is perfectly acceptable, you should consider having your diamond cleaned periodically by a professionally trained jeweler.
- Be cautious when using a steam cleaner or an ultrasonic cleaner to clean your jewelry. They don’t work on all jewelry or gemstones and can cause damage. Do your research before using them.